Why we have a family blog site!

Why we have a family blog site!

As the first blog post I thought to share why I have formed this website as our family website. This website was founded on the idea of me and Jennifer casually sharing our knowledge, passions and inspirations. I often say to myself I should share that idea, experience, or tidbit I know. For Jennifer she might write something but not a guaranteed yet. I wanted to provide the avenue for her as she has been thinking of it as well if she does. Our friend has been encouraging her to start blogging as a means to keep busy and to write things she is passionate about.

About Me (Matthew Lindsey)

I am an entrepreneur at heart, I find ways venture out and make a difference in my life and the lives I Impact. As an entrepreneur I have had many businesses and nonprofits that only seen the dark side of the moon! On the other hand I have had a few that actually worked but for one reason or another I had to let it go. I have a interest in many other things and that list is to long to share.

My Current Venture

My current ventures are Marquette Coffee Formerly JML Coffee and its Foundation. Marquette Coffee is a coffee brand that strives to provide the best premium coffee and tea. We have strict standards for our products making our coffee notches above the rest you find on the store shelves. I would one day would like to say that my coffee made it on the shelves of stores but for now you can get it delivered right to your door or business making it very convenient since you do not have to go out to get it.

Me As An Writer

I have moments that I can spend hours in deep thought about what I want to say or how to format my literature I want to share with people. As I put my plan into action I face a few extra challenges to my writing style, but before I say this next part I wanted to defeat some stereotypes.

Often people with disabilities sometimes get looked down on by people saying that they cannot mount up to anything. That’s wrong as I seen people worse off than me do extraordinary things. Mostly my disabilities affect my typing speed and grammar.

I say grammar as I wasn’t really taught it very well because the had me in remedial classes thanks to my learning disability back then leaving me behind my classmates. I often say they should have not just pushed me through school. Perhaps kept me in normal classes then provide an aid to help me understand what they were talking about or even hold me back some. I have a whole new story related to this that just hit me last year when I was reflecting on my childhood and from than to now. I will maybe share that in another blog post.

As for my typing I actually have to mostly use a one handed technic thanks to a mild case of cerebral palsy. If you look at me you would even notice that I have it. With all this said please for give me when I make a occasional mistake in my writing and like many people persevere and overcome obstacles.

About My Wife/Wife To Be Jennifer

As I said I am not sure if she will blog but if she does! I have a feeling she might talk about her day, things she has a interest in, our faith and beliefs. I would describe her as a caring, nurturing type of person to almost anyone that is one of her finer points to her that I love; Outgoing when it comes to meeting new people and super friendly.

Stay tuned to by checking either our family site or my blog. You can even subscribe to receive updates. (Coming soon!)